Make the Right Decision for Your Business Today!

What we offer to help with your decisions

35,000 decisions a day
We make 35,000 decisions a day.
Do you make million dollar decisions or million dollar mistakes?
Successful leaders learn how to make better decisions.
What will you decide?

Know1 Web Consulting

A wise person learns from their mistakes

A wiser person learns from others’ mistakes

What Know1 does


Know1 has helped leaders make better decisions for 3 decades.
We’ve seen lots of mistakes and even made them ourselves!
We research, experiment, learn and improve.
That’s why we’re considered world experts in decision-making.
Leaders around the world benefit from Know1 expertise.

  • Know1 helps CEO’s and business owners
  • Know1 runs workshops that deliver
  • Know1 has walked in your shoes and understands
  • Know1 guides you with the tough decisions
  • Know1 gives you the support to grow sustainably

Our Services

Contact Us To Get Started

  • 5-step Decision-Making Formula
  • Business Decision Consulting
  • Leadership Decisioning Development
  • Executive Decision-making Coaching
  • Decision Making Workshops
  • Decision Making Personality Profiling
  • Key Note Speaking – on Decisions!


What We Can Do For You

A souless solution, however elegant, will die and wither on the vine just as blind passion and enthusiasm will create a lot of busy-ness but not likely to create much business.

Know1 knows

Know1 has deep expertise in most areas of a business. Through education, experience and expertise, Know1 has built the essential requirements of the competent consultancy businesses seek.

know1 cares

Passion is what drives the success of Know1 and what ensures we care about the results we deliver to ensure your desired outcomes – because we care about our work and about being the best. 

know1 helps

The only way we ensure we help is through a combination of the knowledge and experience required to help you solve your challenges and issues as well as the passion to drive the best possible outcomes. 

From Ian Coombe

Know1 helps you solve your business and people issues

Some think that since we’ve all been making decisions since birth, there’s no need to learn something we’re already doing. And that’s a common thought. Yet a famous quote attributed to Einstein is
“Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”

The decision-making skills you learnt as a child many decades ago, may no longer serve you well. So, if you think you could improve on any of the 35,000 decisions you make every day, now would be a good time to start learning how. Do you know how to use the 5-step decision-making formula, WIKID POWER, for success? Do you know your decision-making personality, biases and strengths? Now would be as good a time as any to learn! Procrastination is NOT a decision of the successful.

Decision-making, in all shapes and sizes, is our special and unmatched expertise. Our brands include the WIKID POWER 5-step decision making process and the Decision Quotient, DQ, decision-making personality profile. 

Decision Quotient DQ Logo WIKID POWER Logo

Know1’s Name

The trademarked Know1 brands have been with us since the 1990’s.

The original company name, eclectic, represented the vast majority of decisions from clients in many different areas. The trademarked name of Know1, now the formal name, was chosen to reflect the central role of knowledge in decision making, regardless of industry or situation, and success (which is the subject of Ian’s book and workshops titled “WIKID POWER” which describes the formula that national authorities wanted classified beyond TOP SECRET because of the distinct advantage it gave).

Know1’s Logo

The logo, also trademarked, comprises of the three key design elements (circle, triangle, square) and represents:

  • tables and chairs – vital tools for group decisions
  • four corners of the compass – global and expanding improvement and growth
  • thinking outside the box – many ideas and solutions come from unexpected quarters
  • square peg in a round hole – oops – didn’t mean to include this one – please ignore it!

Know1’s Tagline

The tagline was developed when one of Know1’s clients slipped a disc carrying his child on his shoulders and was admitted to hospital but didn’t want anyone to find out. A card was sent to him saying: Know1 knows … Know1 cares! We have since added Know1 helps since those three phrases are often heard as complaints in organisations – when said aloud, the complaints also provide the solution – Know1! There are some challenges with the name though, such as saying you work for Know1 or when answering the phone “Know1 here”!

As a result of Ian’s research into names and logos, he also conducts workshops based on over 40 criteria he has produced for success in deciding each of them.

The Beginning

During his Army career, Ian Coombe was responsible for all its software and became aware that there was nothing to help with the vital process of decision-making. Enlisting help from universities, he developed a portable Group Decision Support System, GDSS, and facilitated many varied sessions. In effect, he became, a trusted internal business adviser within Army and Defence Headquarters. Some of those issues Ian facilitated were Army’s $10b budget, process improvements, many organisational restructures and strategic plans. Ian saw the enormous success of the capability and the huge demand for help with strategic business decisions so he left his Army career to establish Know1 in 1997 where he refined the GDSS which is shown below.

Know1 GDSS
Success was clear and the company doubled every six months for three years. Ian then moved with his young family from Canberra to Brisbane and continued the business on a more modest level to allow him time to devote to his family. By now, the children are all grown and independent.


Know1’s Clients

Know1’s clients are big and small since problem-solving and decision-making is a common need for all organisations. Clients seek Know1 because of the knowledge, experience and skills in these two critical areas. Projects and assignments are brought to Know1 because of its specialties which cover the entire range of an enterprise and often at great depth – including capital raising, takeovers, technology and branding.

Clients include: Business Network International, NRMA, Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG), Special Forces, governments (at all three levels), Canberra Business Council, Department of Defence, IBM Global Services, University of Canberra, Total Logistics Management (TLM), Halliburton, Kinhill, Telstra, Australian National Training Authority, Canberra Tourism and Events Corporation (CTEC) and many business leaders and individuals.

Get In Touch
+61 41 61 know1